Hi All!
Now that we have finally managed to get the company blog up and running I thought I would take a moment to add my own personal contribution.

As you may already know I am the Chairman of homeArama, and as Chairman I, of course, have many responsibilities including the overall leadership and direction of the strategy of our company. I am pleased to report all is looking good right now with some exciting new plans for 2016, and one of which I am in charge of: encouraging the team to find some well designed pet products that look good and do the job, and of course being the hard worker that I am, I am more than happy to test out the products – especially any dog beds as I have been known to take the occasionally nap!

On a personal front though the news has not been so good and I must report to you all that I have been through a pretty tough time…my family went away last October to America sending me off to stay with some very good friends where I enjoyed a life of luxury, mostly doing what I do best…lying around and guarding the humans!

To be fair that was about all I could do, lie around, I just couldn’t find the energy to walk anywhere so when the old Chief Exec got back from his holidays he was persuaded to take me to more good friends The Village Vet and, wow, there my whirlwind journey began!
Within hours I was rushed to the Royal Vet College to be attached to all kinds of machines whilst suffering the indignity of being poked and prodded all over. Although the nurses and doctors were very nice there, I can’t say the new hairstyle did me any favours!

To cut to the chase it seems my heart has been getting bigger (not as good as it sounds!) and as a result couldn’t clear my fluids as well as it should so I was kind of drowning…not very nice and no wonder I was getting more and more lethargic. Anyway I was put on a course of pills and sent home to recover, which included lots of cuddles, sleeping on all the sofas (which apparently I am not allowed on!!) and home cooked chicken – because who wants packet food!

I felt better but still not quite right so had to go back for another barrage of tests and pokes and guess what…I am unique! They found that I have an aneurism or something of the heart, never before recorded anywhere in a dog or even a cat! How special am I (and lucky my humans had good pet insurance)!!! So it was more pills, for life, and an easier life going forward – 6 naps a day instead of the usual 5 and no more going out in the rain!

I am now feeling soooo much better! I had a great Christmas with the family – although I am not sure the yellow coat I got for Christmas is really my colour! I’m well enough to go back to exploring my fields and keeping my territory up to date! As well as enjoying some boys nights down the local pub with my dad and some pork scratchings – my favourite!

Well that’s the rundown of my busy, and at times quite scary, last few months! I’ll check back again soon with some more stories about my life as the Chairman of homeArama and hopefully I won’t have developed anymore ‘unique’ illnesses by then, but then I am Alfie and I always have to be different so you never know!
Thanks for reading!